Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Here Come the Jetsons: flying cars

Uber, NASA team up to fly

Flying 'cars' testing to begin

Ever since Uber CEO Travis Kalanick indicated he was willing to work with the Trump administration, the ride-hailing service has become an enemy of elite progressives.

Elite progressives are those fine people with a lot of wealth and power who don't like anyone thinking in ways they disapprove of.

And so, Uber has endured a steady stream of negative press and far-flung accusations as a way of getting back at the company for not hating Trump sufficiently.

Any problem it has had, problems that all companies experience, the media has pounced upon, hoping that the public would see just what a terrible and immoral a company Uber really is. There have been accusations of sexual discrimination and unscrupulous business practices reported based on scant evidence.

Each time there has been a dramatic story related to a rider and Uber driver, the media has been right there to report the sordid details. There have even been concocted stories of rape and abuse that have gone on to be unfounded.

Uber is also involved in a lawsuit with Google with the tech giant accusing Uber of stealing self-driving trade secrets when a Google exec sat on the Uber board. And Uber has recently lost its license to operate in London and Austin for reasons no one is quite sure why. It is a globalist crackdown, if there over was one.

But Uber doesn't plan on being grounded by naysayers who wish for its demise. As the saying goes, if you can't beat them, build a flying taxi. That's just what it plans on doing. It will align with NASA, developing the software that will make flying cars a reality with a program called Elevate.

A Jetson like future seems far off but Uber says it will begin testing its flyers by 2020. The flying taxies will be designed to take off and land vertically and also fly at low altitudes. Perfect for company VIP's to jet across town for a big meeting. Eventually, it hopes a ride in one of its flying taxis will be as cheap as riding in a car.

Now, will the left ever forgive Uber for ever daring to step out of line? Can cars fly? From Engadget

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