Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Chinese Love of Trump Revealing

President Trump to land in Bejing Wednesday

12-day Asian tour now in China

President Trump is headed to China. Many of his detractors may be surprised that Trump is very popular amongst the people there.

And for reasons that appear to shed light on the differences between the East and West. Differences that seem to go unnoticed by our elite but are vital for better understanding. 

China is a military, economic, and technological power that rivals the US. Their growing influence on the world shouldn't be taken lightly.

And hot-button issues exist between the US and China. There is the trade deficit, the rogue actions of China ally North Korea, and China's less than honorable designs on the South China Sea.

Which makes Trump's trip through the world's second most dominant nation more than just an exercise in back slapping diplomacy. No, the problems aren't going to be sorted by just one trip, but what President Trump says to the Chinese both publically and privately will determine the direction relations go for several years.

Stakes have never been higher in US-China relations

Stakes are very high. China rivals the US in technology expertise, and its military strength is growing. It has plans to increase its influence in the world by various means. China is in Africa, partnering with several Governments there to build and grow infrastructure. It wants to be the world center of technology and the leader in artificial intelligence.

And the US is not immune from Chinese ambitions. A deal is ready to be struck for Chinese companies to purchase movie studios and other Hollywood assets. Chinese companies and investors are also snapping up California real estate and grabbing big shares of American technological start-ups.

Trump not shy about calling out China

But despite all these Machiavellian maneuvers by China, President Trump seems to be taking it in stride, as he both offers a hand of friendship while calling out China for its transgressions. He doesn't pull the typical western politician's tactic of lecturing the Chinese on the finer points of liberal democracy, while behind closed doors conceding to them and begging them to play nice.

Trump is a different animal. And because of this, Trump seems to have garnered quite a few Chinese fans. They seem to respect his frankness and his realistic worldview. 

President Trump has legions of Chinese fans just like rabid US supporters

From Reuters On platforms such as the Twitter-like Sina Weibo, Trump’s Chinese supporters, who admire his business success and a free-wheeling style unconstrained by political correctness, are far more prominent than detractors.

While no comprehensive survey has been done to assess the size and intensity of Trump’s popularity in China, several pundits suggest he has broad and vocal support.

“Chinese people are impressed that he is extremely rich, he loves things splendid and magnificent, and he loves to show off. Not every billionaire is like that,” said Yin Hao, who translates American news and comedy clips for his nearly one million followers on Weibo.

Terracotta Trump masks made in China photo Reuters 

Chinese 'realist' rule China and don't adhere to notions of liberal democracy

Trump’s popularity in China largely comes from his disdain for political correctness and defiance of traditional liberal western views, which many Chinese consider elitist and unrealistic, Chen said.

His criticism of the U.S. trade deficit with China, for example, is seen by many in the country as standard U.S. political talk, some pundits say.

“In China, realists hold a deep-rooted belief that the rule of the jungle means the strong prey on the weak,” Chen said. “For them, the world is not split into right and wrong, good or evil, it is only success or failure, the powerful and the weak.” From Reuters 

Trump under no illusions in dealing with the Chinese

It appears the Trump effect has revealed a truth about the world that is sometimes hard for the West to swallow. China and other parts of the world don't really share are high minded values.  Being under that illusion appears to be both naive and dangerous. 

For the first time in a long time, the US has a President the Chinese may not brush off as a typical idealist westerner, attempting to inspire high standards of behavior that are both alien and unrealistic to the rest of the world. The Chinese are interested in winning and little else. Trump has stated over and over that the US doesn't win anymore. Who blinks first? This time, it may not be US leadership. 

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