Saturday, October 21, 2017

Silicon Valley Fasting Diet all the Rage

Science: longer, healthier life through fasting

Weight reduction, Decreases in diabetes

Same age monkeys: the monkey on the left fed a restricted diet 
A new fasting diet is trending in Silicon Valley and it is based on the latest scientific research. It makes the case that cutting food intake for short periods of time is the quickest and best way to lose weight and become healthier.

Not just cutting out junk food but by eating less of anything for two to five day periods.

It mimics long-term fasting and makes the body think it is consuming less, resulting in better health that could lead to a longer life.

Called the fast mimicking diet or FMD, the diet is gaining popularity in Silicon Valley where data analytics is king. And the data shows in testing with monkeys, rodents, yeast, and some humans, that short periods of small intakes of food create optimum effects.

One study put some yeast on a two-day diet rotating between nutrients and water only. The lifespan of that yeast lasted longer than yeast receiving nutrients every day - or yeast that was not fasting. And in rodents, researchers restricted the calorie intake of rodents for periods of four days twice in a month.

The rodents saw a 40% reduction in glucose levels. It was also noted by researchers that the rodents, even after being put on a regular diet, were less likely to develop tumors.

And for humans, the studies showed:

In a small study of 71 people, the FMD diet didn't just reduce body weight and body fat, but decreased the body's production of the IGF-1 hormone, which has been implicated in cell processes that lead to aging and disease. The study's subjects also showed a decrease in C-reactive protein — that's notable because it is a marker for inflammation, which in recent years has been implicated in a range of diseases, from heart disease to cancer. The results were published in Science Translational Medicine earlier this year. The Longevity Institute has funding from the National Cancer Institute.

Dieters on the FMD can still eat and lose. The body is tricked into thinking it is not eating

Even though people can eat on the diet, it tricks the body into thinking a fast is occurring. Here's how researchers know that's the case: FMD triggers the same three responses as fasting from the human body: lower levels of IGF-1, lower levels of glucose and an increase in ketone bodies, which are molecules sent to the brain to use as energy during times of starvation.

Mimicking fasting over a five-day period allows the body still to receive micronutrients from vitamins and minerals they wouldn't get if they stopped eating altogether.

BioEnergy Medicine attacks aging at the molecular level

Another scientific discovery that is making waves in improving health and slowing down aging is bioenergy medicine. It is a pathway to better health and is much easier than dieting and exercising. With bioenergy medicine's ability to increase energy and reduce stress, users can have that extra boost of energy for  a walk around the block and also avoid 'stress eating.' So, bioenergy medicine makes a great complement to an overall healthier lifestyle.  

It also makes users feel better. The reason it does all these things is that it produces real scientifically proven results on a molecular level. It is a new innovative technology that delivers pulsating energy waves deep into the body, wave after wave until its electrical energy makes contact with the system's blood cells. 

Unlike the fast mimicking diet mentioned above, a bioenergy medicine device doesn't trick the body into anything. It actually does real measurable work and stimulates blood cells into more activity. And what do blood cells do? They process oxygen and nutrients, the two most powerful ingredients for healing sickness and aging. The results are increased microcirculation, better oxygen flow, and quicker removal of the waste that accumulates around blood cells.  

People who use a bioenergy device say they experience immediate results after just a few 8-minute therapy sessions. One 63-year-old man says he and his wife have been using their device for a year and haven't had a single doctor visit. 

The new innovative technology is now available. It is a home care device that offers life-changing therapy for individuals and their entire families for years and years. It is also beneficial for sports injury therapy and even pets can use it and their owners can enjoy a healthier, happier pet as a result. 

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