Monday, October 2, 2017

Best Looking Uniforms in the NFL?

Slow day in AI and robots lets talk about NFL uniforms!

Here are Impact A.I.'s vote for ten best looking uniforms and why

Forget the controversy surrounding the NFL right now. If the players don't come to heel and stand for the country that made them millionaires, they can always be replaced. Think not? Remember the 1987 NFL strike? I couldn't tell the difference in play from the scabs and the regulars.

But something that can never be replaced in the NFL? Who have the hottest cheerleaders? Well yeah, that is one. But more importantly than that is who has the best looking uniforms. As of now, these are the top ten best uniforms in the league, according to Impact A.I.

In alphabetical order: 

Cincinnati Bengals 

After many years of assaulting audience’s eyes with their original bland uniforms, the Cincinnati Bengals made a big leap forward a long while back with their current striking design. The helmet design is what stands out. Taking on the body stripes of a real Bengal tiger in their uniform, with their natural shape and flow, the new helmet design was and is something original. It also makes a clean, clear connection to the Bengal name. And, it is very expressive which is fitting to the sport of football’s ethos of power, speed, and aggression. The striped motif is picked up in the jersey around the shoulders and on the sides of the pants, bringing everything together in a nice balance that is exciting to look at.    

Denver Broncos

The original Broncos uniforms were actually pretty good with a combination of a distinct and unique tone of blue and orangish red. But like a lot of NFL uniforms, they probably were a little dated. However, their new uniform design was so good that other teams have followed suit and copied some of its aspects. Most notably, the thick, swooping stripe that adorns the side of the pants and extends up to the jersey. With the numerous straight stripes found on the pants on nearly all of NFL’s uniforms, this new style the Broncos introduced has pushed design forward in the league. The redesigned horse logo is larger than before and fills the side of the Broncos helmet with the wild and erratic energy of nature. Nice.       

Dallas Cowboys

What makes the Cowboys uniforms better than most in the league? First, it has to be their clean and strong overall presentation. The simple deep blue star outlined in white in the center of the helmet is classic. And those unique silver, slightly blue colored pants, with the dark blue and white stripes, are also classic. The Cowboy uniform is like a leather jacket or pair of blue jeans. Distinctly and recognizably American and probably not likely to go out of style.   

Miami Dolphins

The Dolphins made subtle changes to their uniforms a few years ago. But with the new design, they pulled off something very difficult. They took the design already in place and found ways to greatly enhance it. Nothing drastic changed but somehow the new appearance is noticeably improved. They brightened the overall look, slightly altering the already unique and attractive Caribbean blue in the jersey and pants. The stripes on the pants and helmet changed from thin blue, orange, and white to one thick blue stripe accented with orange and what looks like a dark blue trim. The Dolphin logo in the helmet changed as well and for the better. The Dolphin is larger and is flying through the fire hoop more assertively. The new look is bolder, fresher, and maybe my favorite in the league.   

San Franciso 49ers

The 49ers uniform appeal is very similar to that of the Cowboys. It is a classic look and has terrific colors that are unique. The contrast of the muddy gold and the rich, bright red, and adding a touch of white trim, make these uniforms a standout in the league. It is a look that is clean and uncluttered. The name of the team is great as well as it denotes the historical event of the gold rush era of San Francisco. Using the gold, along with a passionate red, both connect the look with the energy of competition, while tying it to the unique and bold history of an America city.    

New York Giants

Going back to their uniforms of the ‘60’s and ‘70’s as the New York Giants have recently done, was a step in the right direction. It seems sometimes, things are just done right the first time. The Giant’s uniforms of the 80’s, 90’s, and early 2000’s were generic, bland and uninspiring. Mercifully, they put them out of commission. But instead of coming up with a totally new uniform and blowing it again, someone had the good sense to look to the past for their inspiration. Not sure what it is about the new-old Giants uniforms, but I like them.

Jacksonville Jaguars

Well, if you can’t win much at least you can look good while playing. Like the Bengals during their change to the tiger stripe helmets, the Jaguars upgraded their uniforms in one big bound. Maybe it is cat thing. I don’t know. The Jaguar uniforms are the least conservative in the league by a long shot, though that is not saying much. But hey, they do look good. Call them forward or edgy, flashy or whatever. They simply look better than most teams and the bland boys of the league – Colts, Lions, Texans should take note.

Oakland Raiders

Well, what can you say about the Raider’s uniforms? Are the Raiders in Oakland or LA? I don’t even know. But, anyway, where ever they are, they are looking like the ultimate football badasses. Even if it doesn’t translate to wins anymore. With death black, saber silver, and a no-frills, direct uniform style, the Raiders bestowed upon the Christian world a classic look that appears as if it were designed in hell itself. Satan created two things. Rock and Roll music and the Oakland Raiders uniforms.    

Seattle Seahawks

Not a menacing look, but how scary is a Seahawk other than to a fish – if a Seahawk actually is a real thing. But never mind, what the Seahawk uniform lacks in sending death signals to the enemy, it makes up for in style and taste. Possibly a reflection of the progressive Northwest and the city of Seattle, the Seahawk uniforms are modern and sharp with a tasteful use of detail. The switch to purple helmets and pants help as well. The use of a day glow green adds boldness and color. And the smaller design cues found on the jersey through the shoulders are well balanced, modern, and appealing. An overall, nice, athletic look.    

Pittsburgh Steelers

Another classic look, these uniforms just look tough. As the name suggests, these uniforms reflect the hardscrabble culture of Pittsburgh’s past, as a broad-shouldered, unpretentious, factory steel town. But these uniforms are a good design besides that. When these uniforms rolled out, they were unlike any other uniform design in the league. Most uniforms had one or several thin stripes on the sides of pants. The Steelers went with a single stripe on the sides of their pants as thick as they could get it. And made it black – the color of kickass. The Steeler helmet with its yellow, blue, and red spark like symbols arranged within a white circle deliver something truly original, almost esoteric. However, the Steelers aren’t about to lavish our eyes with too much. That wouldn’t be frugal. They place the logo on only one side of the helmet – those beautiful bastards! 

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